Francis Xavier Velarde

St Matthew Clubmoor

St Matthew, Clubmoor, Liverpool by Francis Xavier Velarde (1897-1960). “..built through the generosity of the late Captain Matthew Honan FRIBA…killed in action on November the 14th 1916”. Completed in 1930. The interior is reminiscent of German railway station architecture of the ‘twenties. Severe, brown brickwork with Velarde’s characteristic low arches delineating passage-like aisles and the shallow vault over the nave. The brickwork was intended to contrast with the brilliance of the gold baldacchino sheltering the altar – the later addition of paler mosaics has significantly lessened the effect. The pews were originally painted dark green and light green. More pictures: Photoset.

St Matthew Clubmoor

St Matthew Clubmoor

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7 Responses to Francis Xavier Velarde

  1. Aventinus says:

    In a diary entry for 28 May 1945 Velarde recorded that he had been approached to continue the building of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral after the death of Sir Edwin Lutyens. According to Joseph Sharples, among the personal and professional reasons for turning the commission down, however, was the belief that “to build a cathedral on such a scale and at such a cost in the provinces was ‘in very bad taste’.”

    The material is covered in ‘Charles Reilly & The Liverpool School of Architecture 1904-1933’ (Sharples, Powers and Shippobotom 1996).

  2. If anybody wants more information on the above note I have the actual diaries. I am also keen to acquire any information about the works of my late father, photos, theses etc Giles V.

  3. frank glyn-jones says:

    Clive Fisher of Poole ahs suggested that I get in touch with you. Could you possibly get in touch with me. My email address is above,my phone is 01323 501495.I’m told you dont live far away from Eastbourne which is where I am.

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  5. St Teresa’s Church, Up Holland was built in 1955, architect F.X.Velarde. The mullions inside and out are particularly beautiful. We are trying to discover the thinking Velarde had in deciding what these mullions represent and any other information about our Church that you can supply. We would be grateful for any information as we are in the process of restoration and refurbishment. Thank you very much.

  6. Mark Smith says:

    St Gabriel’s church Brownhill, Blackburn. Is a Velarde with a very plain cloisteral interior, very different from above. It is Church of England. Sadly present minister does not realise or appreciate the quality and has moved services to a hall alongside the building many people up in arms. The Liverpool archieve has excellent pictures showing both inside and outside. Mostly plain travertine and chrome, well worth a look.

  7. Dominic Roberts says:

    I have passed St Gabriel’s many times but have never been inside. Sounds like it may be difficult to arrange access?

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